It seems to me this title is appropriate for this day because today I feel as if I am living a day in the life I have wanted to live for a day for quite some time.
It all actually started last night. I went to bed watching a movie, a movie that I only made it 1o minutes into because I was THAT tired. So sad! But nonetheless, it was such a great feeling being able to take the time to "watch" a movie as I fell asleep.
I woke up today at 8am and went to Yoga with two absolute loves. I got to experience a wonderful hour of relaxation, stretching, and bliss. I left feeling quite relaxed and rejuvenated, and totally thrilled by the fact that I have nothing that I HAVE to do today. Nothing!
I came home from Yoga, made coffee, made my bed, poured an amazing cup of coffee, grabbed a blanket, hopped on into my papasan chair, and READ
The New York Times, my paper of choice.
I read an insightful article about unemployment and how jobs are increasing, but just not enough. I have been thinking a great deal about politics lately in relation to education, unemployment, and the recent state elections, and in fact have found myself in a series of wonderful conversations with my roommate about the insanity of the current government, things both good and bad. Our conversations lead to dreaming about how we could make "Unemployment" so much more productive, change "Social Security", redistribute money within the realm of "Education", and elect different state officials as to bring some much needed change to the table. Now if WE could just make these things happen.... such crazy political notions are quite fun to dream about.
After reading my electronic paper (kind of sad...definitely lacks in providing the aesthetic pleasure of a real newspaper), I took a pause and mentally jumped for joy because I actually had the time in this moment to BLOG! Oh my oh my!
And so I write about a morning that has been a little slice of Heaven. I don't want it to end! I had just told one of my best friends about how my ideal day would consist of sitting down at the end of a busy day with a glass of wine and my laptop and writing a fulfilling blog. This morning has been exactly that, only with a cup of coffee and at the beginning of the day, but nonetheless, fulfilling.
Happy Saturday! May we all enjoy the fullness of God's Grace and Peace in our hearts and in the life happening all around us on this wonderful day.
And by the way, I am hoping for my "ideal evening" sometime very soon because I have some ideas, thoughts, and life updates I want to share!