Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ready. Set. Go!

Find a job!
Train for a half marathon!

I have entered a season in my life where I am so sure of and confident in wanting a full time teaching job. And so needless to say, my hunt has ferociously begun. Over the two months I have applied daily for jobs all throughout San Diego.  Up until 2 weeks ago I had not heard a word from anyone. Enter my dear friend Anxiety.  I was freaking out (inside) feeling doomed and as if finding a job for next year was mission impossible. But then, low and behold, I received a call. And within 24 hours received another call.  Not only did it rain, it poured. Job interview #1 with Horizon Preparatory Academy would be on (this last) Monday and job interview #2 would be with the Solana Beach School District on (this last) Tuesday. Ah!!! Enter nervous stomach and all those friends.

And so I went for it... and let me tell you... I killed em'! I have the confidence (finally) at this point in my passion to say such and to literally feel the drive in wanting to "knock em' dead".  I have been wound up like a boxer before a fight, shocking my own very noncompetitive self, and just ready to ever so gracefully, confidently, yet sharply to prove myself best fit as a teacher candidate for this next school year... and praise be to God, now was my chance! Yes, I was nervous. Yes, I was a wreck. But I knew going into both of these interviews what I wanted and that these interviewing moments were my chance to give it all that I've got in proving myself more than qualified for the open teaching positions. I dressed my best, prepped all that I possibly could, talked to myself in my lonesome prior to interviewing more than anyone ever should (my neighbors are ready to institute me, no doubt!), chanted my "I am going to get a job. This is what I was made to do. No one will stand in my way. Today is my turn!", and rocked out and danced out to "Call Me, Maybe" and "What Makes You Beautiful" until all I could do was laugh at my ridiculous self. And then... I composed. I primped. I collected myself. And off I went... with "Call Me, Maybe" forever stuck in my head.

After both interviews I was overwhelmed with a sense of contentment.  That in it of itself was a clear sign that I gave it all I had. And low and behold, I have a second interview this next week with Horizon for a 5th grade teaching position, and I made it into the hiring pool and onto the next stage of hiring in the Solana Beach School District. I did it?! I did it. I did it! The feeling of doom has been overcome and hope has ensued. I will find a job! I really will.
On that note... Kate and I also decided that we must get our acts together and what better way to do that than run a half marathon?! August 19th. "America's Finest City Half Marathon". It's happening. And I already sprained my hip.... hahaha. When it rains, it pours!?


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